In Florida... Finally. The trip here was significantly more eventful than last year's. I cracked one of my molars the week before finals (eek!) and was thankful to find the greatest/most flexible dentist in the Dallas area who put a rush on my crown so that I could get it before I left for Florida/Denmark. It's so great to have people around you who genuinely want to help... but, I digress. I had to have my crown put in the morning I left Dallas and thankfully accompanying me on my journey was my cousin/best friend Sara. She gassed the car up, and got things all ready while I visited the dentist. I drove the return trip from Sarasota last year by myself in one day- not the smartest of ideas, I will assure you! We made it to Pensacola the first night (after many excited squeals from Sara and a plethora of interesting road signs) to stay with my Uncle and Aunt. That was an experience all in itself, as we stayed in their motor home since they had just moved into a new house a month ago. On Friday morning we woke up, ready to hit the road for the last leg of our journey, and lo and behold, there was a massive rainstorm moving through the area. We decided to leave right then (thinking we could outrun it (ha!))- about three hours later we had only gone 100 miles because the rain was so heavy we couldn't see the road! We could hardly see the front of the car! It was intense, but we finally got to Sara's destination, Clearwater, which is a suburb Northwest of Tampa. She is working as an intern just like me at a church up there. The church seems like it will be an amazing fit for her, and we got to meet a few of the students she will be working with, which was equally awesome. Saturday morning I headed down to my neck of the woods, Lakewood Ranch. This is the second year I've worked here. I work as an intern in the youth department in a church. Last summer was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had, so naturally, when they offered me the position again this summer, I instantly said yes. This year, the general ministry intern (from Duke) and I are living with an older lady who is a member of the church. She is an absolute sweetheart, has a huge house (the other intern and I each get our own rooms) with a swimming pool. Above all, she is extremely nice; she cooked us dinner the first night here, and it was delicious! Today marked my first official day as an intern again, and it was so great to see my students from last year! The other intern and I were introduced at both worship services this morning, I attended sunday school, and Sunday evening youth activities. I just got home from my day- youth ministry is many things, but it is certainly not relaxing! I'm tired and tomorrow is my first real day in the office, so I'm calling it a night-
I still love Caramel Macchiatos, but now, I get them in Hong Kong. Join me on my often crazy adventures through Asia and beyond.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
General Conference
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