Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Fashion of the MTR and a Hair Disaster

I know I promised that I'd post some of my random photos as I make my exit from Asia.  Here's the first batch.  It's an ode to the people of Hong Kong and their sometimes wacky fashion and always interesting hair.

Acronym Overload...This is a school.  Poor kids.

I've actually seen this shirt twice.  "Unique Happiness Ferris Wheel"!...whatever that means

Too many patterns

How do you class up some shorts when it's 981341874531 degrees outside?  Loafers and socks, ladies and gentlemen.

Michael Jackson isn't dead, people...

See...even this guy thinks so.

Some weird sweatshirt that makes absolutely no sense

Koopa escaped Super Mario Brothers!

... no words.

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