Wednesday, January 04, 2012

No time like the present

I think the funny irony of life is that one day, you feel like you'll never arrive where you want to go. The days, the hours, even those pesky minutes tick by ever so slowly, until you think you'll go mad from the waiting. Then, all at once, you wake up, and you're 25. And the world is rushing by at a frenetic pace. Your friends and acquaintances live to work, and one by one, we settle down into the predictable life.

Not that it's a bad life. There are things to be said for predictability. Predictability brings its friends stability and consistency - things that we are taught to value from infancy. But, dare I say, that predictability is a little bit...boring.

Don't mistake this post for a rant on the family life, marriage, or any such things. Some of the most adventurous people I know are parents, and married people, too. What has occurred to me lately, though, is that life is short. Too short, in fact. Life, and death, it all happens in the blink of an eye. Too many days in my life I've lived with regret, or been paralyzed by fear or indecision. Too many people I know live to work, to achieve that next promotion, to make that next sale. And, let me tell you, time is going by. Not slowly, not ebbing and flowing any longer. Time is racing by, faster, and faster, as the years go on.

What's your adventure? What do you daydream about while you're at your day job? What is it that makes you come alive? Because if you're not doing it from 9-5 there are precious few hours left in the day, in your life, to experience the fullness of life. God didn't make us to lead a boring life. God designed us for a grand adventure. Terrifying, but satisfying at once. So. Live your life. There's no time like the present.

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